Faction changing from Alliance to Horde – what’s not mentioned

After 6.5 years of playing Alliance on Elune, I’ve moved to Horde on Argent Dawn in order to raid.

Today’s post is about the things that Blizzard doesn’t tell you when you change factions.

1. You may lose more faction that they list.

I was at 48 exalted reps when I moved and I knew I’d be losing Wintersaber Trainers and would have to grind Tranquillian from what the WoW Faction Transfer guide said.

The website shows that most Alliance faction moves to a corresponding Horde faction.  But they don’t list that the Silver Covenant will not move to The Sunreavers.

Also note that it resets the whole Tournament quest chain so you can not buy pets/mounts  until you have become a champion of each Horde city. At that point, you start earning the Champion’s Seals again.

2. Twilight Highlands and Vashj’ir quests reset.

At least so far they are all new. I actually enjoyed the Horde lead-in quests into Twilight Highlands more than Alliance. Vashj’ir quests so far are the same, just different players of course. My rep with both The Earthen Ring stayed exalted and I transferred from Wildhammer to Dragonmaw, but I have the horde quests to do.   To me this is a positive thing since I’ll get to see this area that is crucial to the Cataclysm story with new eyes.

3. You do not lose pets or mounts.

I finished up with the same number of pets and mounts. I did not lose my alliance companion pets like the cats, etc. This is logical since you can buy those on the AH. And my Alliance mounts turned into Horde equivalents. I do miss my Black Stallion and the Winterspring Frostsabre that I had just received but the raptors and wolves are cool too.

4. You lose most Northrend flightpaths.

I have one of the Rings of Kirin Tor and when I used it to go to Dalaran for the first time, I realized that I only had two flightpaths: Warsong Hold and Vengeance Landing. All of the rest were gone.   I did have to do the quests to gain the Shadow Vault flight path again but did not have to do the ones for the Nesingwary one, just click on the plane.

So there you are, a few things that you’ll want to be aware of if you decide to change factions.  I’ve really enjoyed it so far, it’s freshened up the game for me.

And many thanks to those in my new guild, the Orgrimmar Brewing Company, for showing me around the city and helping me get my bearings those first few days!